Echo of the environment at South Kivu

The provincial Minister holding a speech during the meeting

The provincial Minister holding a speech during the meeting

Provincial authorities of the South Kivu are decided to imply it self in the fight against the destruction of the natural resources of the protected areas of this province. On April 05 2012 to the hotel Mount Kahuzi under the direction of the Provincial Minister Mister Kiriza Willy Protected area managers namely the National Park of kahuzi-biega, the Natural Reserve of Itombwe and the domain of hunt of Lwama and their partners met to present the states of places and the partnership level with the international NGO and international cooperation in the domain of the environment.  The boss of site of the PNKB presented his park while raising the threats that his site crosses, the presence of bands armies and farmers armies in certain corners of the park do a locking of the advancement of the work, despite that the efforts employed by the ICCN/PNKB in collaboration with its partners are promising the reduction of threats were returned 36% according to Mister Radar NISHULI the Administrator of

Radar Nishuli Kahuzi Biega Chief Warden speaking abouth Kahuzi Biega.

Radar Nishuli Kahuzi Biega Chief Warden speaking abouth Kahuzi Biega.

the PNKB when to the Domain of hunt of Lwama, it proves himself that the love of the nature pushes them has to work despite the bad work conditions not of buildings, no cartages automobiles not of means of communications, no partner, the state of the poorly known ecosystems after the lack of archiving and documentation after hearing the presentations of the Bosses of sites and the one of its among others partners the GIZ, the WCS, the PACEBCO,WWF, the Following recommendations were gone out again of the bosses of sites of the protected areas: 

• To put together all the actors of the green domain

• To create a framework of consultation and of exchange between the different The PNKB received officially 7 bikes marks DT 175 zero kilometerservices étatiques working in the environmental domain the engagement of the authority of guardianship of the protected areas translated themselves while promising to take a plea in order to bring a support in this domain.  The next day, to the General neighborhood of the national park kahuzi-biega to Tshivanga followed itself an activity of official discount of Bikes to the PNKB, a gift of DFID through the UNOPS in the framework of their partnership of reopening of road miti-hombo and burhale-shabunda.  The PNKB received officially 7 bikes marks DT 175 zero kilometer between the hands of the Provincial Minister of the environment, important matters, urban planning, habitat and civil engineering Master KIRIZA Willy in the presence of frameworks of the ICCN and the members CPGES or it asked the well-worn ones of well to take cares for a long conservation.

4 responses to “Echo of the environment at South Kivu

  1. Hi, Great article, its an awesome way to keep in touch with everything that is going on in the park. Keep up the good work!

  2. Great article I really enjoyed it

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